How does Flock work?
We hand-pick up to 8 like-minded peers per Flock.
Stay accountable with weekly virtual meet-ups, an active online community, and an entrepreneurial resource hub that will keep you on track and productive.
Get matched based on factors like stage of business, business type, expertise, and complementary skill sets.
$199 / month. More affordable than an executive or business coach (and even more impactful)
Achieve your goals faster with a group of exceptional women, matched with you based on industry, skills & common goals.
Apply to join a Flock
"My business wouldn't exist without these women" - Flock Member
Founder of Autumn Body, User Experience Expert, Flock Member
Founder of Inklings Baby, Product Design Expert, Flock Member
Founder of ELIA Parfum, Entrepreneur, Flock Member
Achieve Results Faster
Peer-to-peer accountability is a proven way to stay motivated and reach your goals. No matter what stage your business is in, your Flock will keep you on track and help you aim higher.
Expand Your Network
90% of all business opportunities come from people you know. Gain access to a built-in, curated group of motivated, resourceful and supportive peers equally invested in achieving goals together.
Bridge the Knowledge Gap
Everyone in your Flock has something to offer – expertise, skills, resources, ideas, or even levity when needed. We guarantee each and every woman in your Flock brings something to the table leaving no question unanswered and helping make every business whole.